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Date: 11-Sep-2001
Word of the day: 'dahan'

Moderator's Note:
The whole world stands shocked at the recent terrorist 
attacks in the US. I would like to extend my heartfelt 
sympathies and condolences to those affected by Tuesday's 
tragic events. 

I sincerely hope that all of you and your families are 
safe and well. My thoughts and prayers are with all of 
the victims and their families, the heroic rescue crews, 
and everyone touched by these unconscionable acts of evil. 



dahan - mouth [n. mas. Persian]

Note: 'dahaa.N' and 'dahaan' are alternative forms of this 
word. 'dahaan' has some other meanings as well. Please see 
the list of associated words.


paan khaane kii adaa ye hai to ik aalam ko
Khuu.N rulaayegaa merii jaan dahan-e-surKh teraa

[paan = betel leaf; aalam = world; surKh = red]

Associated word(s):

1. dahan_daraa - yawn [n. ams. Persian]

2. dahan_dariidaa - outspoken/audacious [adj. Persian]

3. dahaan - a. mouth/countenance b. mouth of a river (where it meets the sea/ocean) 
c. spike covered horse's rein  [n. mas. Persian]

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