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Date: 01-Nov-2001
Word of the day: 'rozaa'


rozaa - fasting (religious) [n. fem. Persian]

Usage: If you were fasting you would say - 
'mai.n roze se huu.N' or 'main ne rozaa rakkhaa hai'. 

The word is also used as a suffix to mean 'number 
of days' e.g. 'haft_rozaa' would mean 'for seven days'.


kyaa hamaarii namaaz kyaa rozaa
baKhsh dene ke sau bahaane hai.n
[Meer Majrooh]

Associated word(s):

1. rozaaKhor - one who does not observer religious fasting [adj. Persian]

2. rozaadaar - one who observes religious fasting [adj. Persian]

3. rozaakushaa_ii - to send 'iftaarii' (food) or to invite people over to 
one's house to break the fast of those who are fasting [n. fem. Persian]

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